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Facts and Brochures

Zimbabwe Fact Sheet (2022)

October 3, 2022
Facts and Brochures

Kenya Fact Sheet (2022)

October 3, 2022
Facts and Brochures

Cameroon Fact Sheet (2022)

October 3, 2022
Facts and Brochures

Bili-Uele Landscape Fact Sheet (2022)

October 3, 2022
Facts and Brochures

August 2022 Field Newsletter

September 19, 2022

Nackoney, J., Demol, M., Akpona, H. A., Bauters, M., Boeckx, P., Dupain, J., C. Facheux, M. C. Hansen, J-C. Kalemba, A.G. Kehbila, P. Potapov, A. Tabu Senga, J. Six, S. Turubanova, D. Williams & Vanlauwe, B. 2022.

Muthiuru, A.C., Maputla, N., Gichohi, N., Muruthi, P. and N. J. Kabue. 2021. Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchii) Population Structure and Distribution Varies Across Land Use and Management Types in Tsavo Landscape.

Montgomery, R.A., Raupp, J., Mukhwana, M., Greenleaf, A., Mudumba, T. and Muruthi, P., 2022. The efficacy of interventions to protect crops from raiding elephants. Ambio, 51(3), pp.716-727.  

Mitchell, B.A., MacKinnon, K., Anukur, L., Apin, L., Campilan, D., Cyiza, B., Kumah, F.K., Maklarin, L., Perkin, S., Rao, M. and Sandwith, T., EDITORIAL ESSAY: TRENDS IN PROTECTED AND CONSERVED AREAS: REFLECTIONS FROM REGIONAL PARKS CONGRESSES.  

Degbelo, F.G., Djagoun, C.A.M.S., Toyi, S.S.M., Padonou, E.A., Kouton, M., Gichohi, N., Muruthi, P. and Sinsin, B., 2022. What shapes the mammal species poaching in protected areas: biophysical or anthropogenic factors? A case study in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve.

Abebe, B., Ashagrie, M., Moges, E. 2022. The Activity and Ranging Patterns of Gelada Monkeys as Behavioural Responses to the Effects of Livestock Grazing in the Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia, International Journal of Zoology, vol. 2022, Article ID 8107527, 12 pages, 2022.

Facts and Brochures

2022 Elephant Conservation Progress Report

August 22, 2022
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Maputla, N., Lushimba, A., Kasa P.,  Facheux C., Muruthi, P. 2020. First record of a breeding forest elephant herd in the Lomako Yokokala Faunal Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo. African Journal of Ecology, 00:1–3.

Maputla, N. 2020. Review of Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa, by John W. Wilson, Richard B. Primack. Biological Conservation, 244.

Lindsey, P., Allan, J., Brehony, P., Dickman, A., Robson, A., Begg, C., Bhammar, H.,  Blanken, L., Breuer, T.,  Fitzgerald, K.,  Flyman, M.,  Gandiwa, P.,  Giva, N., Kaelo, D., Nampindo, S., Nyambe, N., Steiner, K., Parker, A., Roe, D., Thomson, P., Trimble, M., Caron, A.

Latremouille, C., Khan, S., Maputla, N., Deppen, J., d’Arcy, L., O’Connor, S. Global Environment & Development Agendas: An Integrated Strategy for Conservation (2020)_ Definition, Theory of Change, and Recommendations for Application.

Esmail, E, Wintle. B. C., Sas-Rolfes, M., Athanas, A., Beale, C. M., Bending, Z., Dai, R., Fabinyi, M., Gluszek, S., Haenlein, C., Harrington, L. A. Hinsley, A., Kariuki, K., Lam, J., Markus, M., Paudel, K.,  Shukhova, S., Sutherland. W. J., Verissimo, D., Wang, Y., Waugh, J., Wetton, J.

Kissui, B.M., Kiffner, C., König, H.J. and Montgomery, R.A. 2019. Patterns of livestock depredation and cost‐effectiveness of fortified livestock enclosures in northern Tanzania. Ecology and Evolution, 9(19), pp.11420-11433.

Recommendations on Proposals to amend Appendices at the 18th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. August 17-18, 2019, Geneva, Switzerland.

Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group survey documenting land tenure status, socio-economic and biodiversity profiles in two Southern Tanzania landscapes. 2017.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018.

Enhancing Livelihoods through PFM in Northern Tanzania Project (European Union). 2017.

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Facts and Brochures

Conservancies Document

October 20, 2016
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2012 Summer

August 25, 2012
  • Not Just a Lab, but a Future
  • Investments in the Future
  • A Bird’s-Eye View
  • Ethiopia’s Eden
  • Carnage in Cameroon

2012 Spring

March 22, 2012
  • Wildlife Habitat Secured Next to Nairobi National Park
  • Rhino Poaching Spikes
  • AWF Recognizes Legacy Gifts
  • Southern Africa Up Close
  • Wildlife Watch

2012 Winter

January 20, 2012
  • Laikipia National Park
  • Mountain Gorilla Census
  • Kenya Heartland Coffee Project
  • Inyambo Fish Farm
  • Wildlife Watch

2011 Fall

October 25, 2011
  • 50th Anniversary Celebration at Brookfield Zoo
  • Newly Opened Ngoma Safari Lodge
  • AWF Supports Ivory Burning
  • Lions Project Enlists Samburu Morans
  • Wildlife Watch

2011 Summer

July 25, 2011
  • With AWF Support, New School Opens
  • Mau Forest Restoration
  • Poaching Kills Gorilla in Uganda
  • Women's Projects
  • Wildlife Watch

2011 Spring

March 25, 2011
  • Saving the Rhino
  • Pictures Are Worth a Thousand Words
  • New Gorilla Babies in the Virungas
  • The Indianapolis Zoo Supports Africa's Lions
  • Wildlife Watch

2011 Winter

January 25, 2011
  • Two Thumbs Up!

2010 Fall

October 25, 2010
  • A Few Words From AWF's CEO & President
  • AWF Snapshots
  • Manyara Ranch: Then & Now
  • Crystal Clear
  • Wildlife Watch

2010 Summer

July 25, 2010
  • Elephant Watch
  • Machache - A Few Words From AWF's CEO
  • Counting Critters
  • Enterprising Effects
  • Your Support at Work: Spotlight on Sekute Chiefdom
  • Wildlife Watch

2010 Spring

March 25, 2010
  • Where Are We Now?

2010 Winter

January 25, 2010
  • A Giant's Comeback
  • Big News: Letter from AWF's CEO
  • AWF Announces Charlotte Fellows
  • AWF Launches First Heartland in West Africa
  • All the Buzz: New Coffee-Quality Laboratory Opens in Kenya
  • The Tiffany & Co.