Videos & Resources

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Facts and Brochures

Uganda Fact Sheet (2022)

July 14, 2022
Facts and Brochures

Rwanda Fact Sheet (2022)

July 14, 2022
Annual Report

AWF 2021 Annual Report

July 11, 2022

Form 990 (2022)

June 30, 2022

Audited Financial Statement (2022)

June 30, 2022

African Wildlife News Spring 2022

April 20, 2022
  • Fighting wildlife cybercrime in Uganda
  • Not your pet: The rise of the live cheetah trade
  • The results are in! What we learned from Kenya’s first countrywide wildlife census
Facts and Brochures

Uganda Country Strategy 2020-2030

January 20, 2022
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Wildlife Judicial and Prosecutorial Assistance Training Series (Tanzania).

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers. 2014

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers. 2014

AWF Working Papers, 2007

AWF Working Papers, 2006

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers. 2013