Books and Papers

The African Widlife Foundation publishes scientific books, papers and technical handbooks. Whenever possible, AWF makes its publications available to the public.

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Other Articles, Publications

Wildlife Judicial and Prosecutorial Assistance Training Series (Tanzania).

Strengthening Legal Mechanisms to Combat Wildlife Crime

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers. 2014

Gichohi, N., Warinwa, F., Lenaiyasa P., Maina, M., Bornham, R., Sambu, D. Muruthi, P., Sitati, N.W.Long-Term Monitoring of Livestock Depredation in Amboseli Ecosystem, Kenya

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers. 2014

Okello, M., Kiringe, J., Warinwa F.Human-Carnivore Conflicts in Private Conservancy Lands of Elerai and Oltiyiani in Amboseli Area, Kenya

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers. 2013

Dupain, J., Fowler, A., Kasalevo;P., Sakamaki, T., Lingomo,B., Way, T., Williams, D., Furuichi, T., Facheux, C. The Process of Creation of a New Protected Area in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Case of the Iyondji Community Bonobo Reserve