Books and Papers

The African Widlife Foundation publishes scientific books, papers and technical handbooks. Whenever possible, AWF makes its publications available to the public.

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Other Articles, Publications

Enhancing Livelihoods through PFM in Northern Tanzania Project (European Union). 2017.

African Wildlife FoundationComparative Analysis of Participatory Forest Management and Wildlife Management Areas in Tanzania
D. Williams, J.H. Thorne, D. Sumba, P. Muruthi, N. Gregory-MichelmanEvaluating outcomes of community-based conservation on Kenyan group ranches with remote sensing
E. Tambara, S. Chiles, K. Fitzgerald, A. Pole, B. Jones, J. King, T. Lalampaa, I. Craig, M. Harrison, M. Gerrard, Z. Tefera, S. Collins, L. Goredema, L. Doughty, I. Imoke, S.K.K. Kaunda, M. Saunders, H. Sosovele, A.R. Kajuni, S. Mwandha & J. MakomboAfrican Conservancies Volume: Towards Best Practices

Journal of Arid Environments 135 (2016) 64-74

Moses Makonjio Okello, Lekishon Kenana, Hanori Maliti, John Warui Kiringe, Erastus Kanga, Fiesta Warinwa, Samwel Bakari, Stephen Ndambuki, Edeus Massawe, Noah Sitati, David Kimutai, Machoke Mwita, Nathan Gichohi, Daniel MutetiPopulation density of elephants and other key large herbivores in the Amboseli ecosystem of Kenya in relation to droughts