International Fund for Animal Welfare

County Government of Taita Taveta

Amaka Ranch

hectares icon

1,374,700 Number of hectares protected and/or with improved conservation status due to AWF interventions beginning in 2016


264,854 Number of people benefiting from AWF's conservation efforts


7 of 8 Wildlife populations supported by AWF that are stable/increasing



Despite government efforts to improve natural resource management, Kenya is losing biodiversity and seeing an increase in unsustainable land use. We work with partners at all levels, from local to national, to advance biodiversity conservation and improve the well-being of communities.

Our multi-faceted approach includes working with wildlife authorities to:

  • strengthen eco-monitoring and data collection
  • support land-use planning and other activities that reduce human-wildlife conflict
  • bolster counter-trafficking efforts, including anti-poaching rapid response

Our current landscape-level efforts in Kenya are concentrated in the Tsavo-Mkomazi Landscape, one of Africa’s largest continuous wildlife areas and home to more than a third of Kenya’s elephants. Our policy engagement takes place at the county and national level.

POINT (37.908383 0.1545604)

We work with the people of Kenya for wildlife. Our strategic, implementing, and funding partners include: