Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority

Environmental Crime Unit

Austrian Development Cooperation

hectares icon

437,000 Number of hectares protected and/or with improved conservation status due to AWF interventions beginning in 2016


2,427 Number of people benefiting from AWF's conservation efforts


3 of 3 Wildlife populations supported by AWF that are stable/increasing



Wildlife trafficking, habitat degradation, and limited access to quality education all pose obstacles to conservation in Ethiopia. We support counter-wildlife-trafficking work in hotspots around Addis Ababa, and we help protect the distinctive highland ecosystem of the Simien Mountains through livelihood projects and other activities.

POINT (40.499395 9.1491755)
Ethiopian Wolf

We’re supporting and monitoring populations of Ethiopian wolves in the Simien Mountains landscape. Other species that benefit from our conservation interventions in this landscape include the Walia Ibex, gelada baboons, colobus monkey, klipspringer, and Menelik bushbuck.

We work with the people of Ethiopia for wildlife. Our strategic, implementing, and funding partners include:

Brian May
Landscape Director
Facts and Brochures

Counter Wildlife Trafficking Fact Sheet (2022)

December 9, 2022