“In the quest to protect Africa’s wildlife and wild places,” a five-part series on the Boots on the Ground podcast, featured African Wildlife Foundation’s wildlife law enforcement and wildlife ecology experts. Their conversations with podcast host…
Shikuku, R. K., Makenzi, P., & Muruthi, P. 2018. Poaching in the Mount Elgon Trans-Boundary Ecosystem. International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.
The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) will invest $25 million over the next four years to support efforts by African governments and local communities to protect wildlife and wild lands on the continent.
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On the heels of the elephant cyanide poisonings that happened in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park—which shocked and outraged many of us—comes another poisoning atrocity. This time, poachers are targeting creatures of…
Incident Underscores Need to Link Conservation Efforts with Concrete Measures that also Improve People's Livelihoods
KINIGI, Rwanda, August 9, 2011 -- Rwandan police on Sunday night arrested a group of poachers attempting to…
NYT; BULENGO, Congo--Jean-Marie Serundori wakes up every morning with gorillas on his mind.But Mr. Serundori, a Congolese wildlife ranger entrusted with protecting some of the most majestic -- and most endangered -- animals on the planet, is far…
Who hasn't dreamed of going on a wildlife-viewing safari to sub-Saharan Africa? Inspired by the wish to observe exotic animals in their natural environment, the promise of grand adventure, and the opportunity to experience traditional African…
Designating boundaries is not sufficient to safeguard protected areas. National parks are being exploited by extraction companies, while other protected areas have become the hunting grounds of poachers.
The growing diversity…
AWF believes Africa’s unique wildlife need to be viewed and managed in total – as a larger continental herd for Africa’s elephants and as one continental pride for Africa’s lions.
We urge a Pan-African…