AWF Receives European Union Delegation in Faro, Cameroon
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A delegation from the European Union (EU), led by the EU Ambassador to Cameroon, H.E. Phillipe Van Damme, alongside KfW Cameroon Office Director, Bruno Schoen, visited Faro in Cameroon from February 11-13, 2022. Accompanied by the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) Cameroon Country Director and other staff, the delegation toured AWF’s Faro landscape projects that are funded under the EU-supported ECOFAC 6 program.
The main aim of the visit was to evaluate the progress achieved in the implementation of the EU's Preserving Biodiversity and Fragile Ecosystems in Central Africa program (also known as ECOFAC 6) in Faro. The project, which started in 2017, last witnessed a visit from the EU in 2019. Four years later, the project counts among its key successes the establishment of community-led anti-poaching and transhumance structures like TANGO and PAC units, the promotion of sustainable livelihood activities among the local community, and improved management of Faro National Park.
"AWF was very pleased to welcome the EU delegation to the Faro landscape and even more pleasing was the delegation's appreciation of the remarkable progress achieved in the implementation of the ECOFAC 6 project on the ground since their last visit. They particularly commended the TANGO initiative to address transhumance and the commitment of the local community to contribute to addressing threats in the Faro landscape," said Norbert Sonne, AWF Cameroon Country Director.
The EU representatives expressed great satisfaction and admiration of the project’s impact so far and applauded the efforts of the AWF Faro landscape team who ensured the achievement of the project’s objectives despite the challenges faced.
Equally commended was AWF’s improved collaboration with partners like the International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which is a clear guarantee of good coordination amongst stakeholders. The ambassador and his entourage enjoyed enthusiastic support and hospitality from Faro government officials who were present during the visit and from local community leaders in the Tchamba community. His Royal Highness, Dr. Youkouda Koeranga, the Lamido of Tchamba, reiterated his commitment and that of his community to supporting AWF’s mission of promoting conservation efforts in the area but expressed concerns on the threat existing in the south and southeast zones of the park.
The first phase of the ECOFAC 6 project in Faro will wind down in June 2022 and AWF is already in communication with EU and other partners to secure additional funding to support conservation in the landscape.
AWF is committed to supporting the government and the people of Cameroon in the preservation and sustainable management of their natural resources while improving the livelihoods of communities by establishing and engaging local people in sustainable enterprises and income-generating activities.