Press Release

AWF Experts Attending the CBD COP16

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AWF experts and youth fellows are attending the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP16), which takes place from October 21 to November 1, 2024, in Cali, Colombia. Learn more about how we’re showing up at COP16 and the events these experts will engage at.

Kaddu portrait

Kaddu Sebunya
Chief Executive Officer

Kaddu has been Chief Executive Officer since January 2019, after serving as the AWF President beginning in January 2016. Kaddu has over 20 years of conservation experience at the grassroots, national, and regional levels in the US, Africa, and Europe. Today he leads the organization in realizing its vision of a modern Africa where human development agendas incorporate thriving wildlife and wild lands as cultural and economic assets for Africa’s future generations. Under his leadership, AWF has amplified the voice of African conservation leaders and stakeholders on a continental and global scale. His emphasis on and work involving multi-sectoral engagements with African governments and the private sector has led to a significant shift towards conservation priority across the continent. Kaddu has played a significant role in distinguishing AWF as the African conservation NGO that prioritizes the needs of people as well as wildlife and habitats in Africa.

Areas of Expertise

Biodiversity and development nexus, innovative finance mechanisms, Africa governance structures, youth advocacy, biodiversity economies, African leadership, climate and biodiversity nexus, conservation models, and Africa Strategy.

COP16 Side Event Engagements

ESRI-AWF: Harnessing Spatial Data for Africa’s Conservation and Development Goals 
28 October | 15:00 – 16:30 | Esri

SSN Session 3 - Ministerial Session: Achieving the GBF Success across the Global South and High-Level Policy Implications
31 October | 10:00 – 11:30 | Africa Group Room

NaturAfrica: a flagship initiative for people and nature  
31 October | 13:15 – 14:45 | EU Pavilion

Ministerial Alliance for Ambition on Nature Finance “Delivering Target 19a - Unlocking Urgent Biodiversity Investments in key ecosystems”
31 October | 16:30–17:45 | Nuqui - Academia & Research Meeting Room Plaza One 

Charly Portrait

Charly Facheux
Senior Vice President Conservation Strategy, Impact and Learning

With 25 years in strategy development, program implementation, and delivery across Africa, Charly is charged with delivering AWF’s global strategy and conservation results. He began as a researcher focused on the economics of forest resources and joined AWF in 2009 as senior program officer for the Congo landscape. He became known for high standards and a knack for motivating teams in difficult circumstances; thus, in 2015, he took on the role of vice president for conservation projects. As a senior VP today, he manages programs in dispersed, remote, and physically challenging geographies while strengthening community relationships and building strategic partnerships with public and private donors. He is a true advocate for a strong staff, community development, and impact. Charly holds an M.S. in international management and external trade from the École Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales in Douala, Cameroon.

Areas of Expertise

Nexus of biodiversity and climate, Global Biodiversity Framework, working with communities, localizing solutions, Congo Basin initiatives, African leadership and governance to deliver for climate, accountability mechanisms, social safeguards, and rights-based approaches to conservation.

Charly is available for media interviews and speaks fluent French and English.

Fred Portrait

Frederick Kwame Kumah
Vice President, Global Leadership

Frederick leads AWF’s engagements with government and multilateral institutions across Africa, China, and Europe in close collaboration with strategic partners. Through his leadership, his team supports African governments in international negotiations that ensure conservation is at the center of development dialogues. His deep understanding of the CBD processes has been integral in aligning AWF’s 10-year strategic vision with the development of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework. He is currently in the steering committees of high-level engagements within the continent, including the Africa Protected Areas Directors Network and the African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance. Fred strongly advocates for youth engagement, capacity-building, and network-building at all levels. Over the last 30 years, he has held key leadership positions with WWF International, Oxfam GB, and ADRA International. Fred holds a BBA, an MBA, and a certificate in International Development from Andrews University, Berrien Springs.

Areas of Expertise

International conservation policy, CBD processes and frameworks, protected areas and community-led conservation, youth engagement, sustainable development, innovative finance mechanisms, and Indigenous People and Local Community inclusion.

COP16 Side Event Engagements

African Development Bank’s Plans for supporting implementation of the KMGBF in Africa
24 October | 10:10 - 11:30 | Sanquianga - GRULAC meeting room

Investing in African Youth as Key Players in Implementing Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in Africa
24 October |  17:30 to 19:00 | EU Pavilion

ESRI-AWF: Harnessing Spatial Data for Africa’s Conservation and Development Goals 
28 October | 15:00 – 16:30 | Esri

Edwin Portrait

Edwin Tambara
Director, Global Leadership

With a comprehensive background in shaping and influencing effective national and global conservation policies, government relations, and partnership development, Edwin has extensive experience in engaging stakeholders and driving conservation and climate action across Africa, the United States, and Canada. He has successfully forged strategic alliances and cultivated relationships for the co-development of bankable ideas and concepts, resulting in tangible partnerships, programs, and funding for execution. Edwin is deeply dedicated to people-centered conservation and passionate about empowering youth in conservation and climate action. Edwin holds an MPhil in Ecology and Conservation from the University of Zimbabwe and an MBA from the African Leadership University.

Areas of Expertise

Sustainable finance, investments in Africa, biodiversity economies, the role of the private sector, nature-based solutions, youth inclusion, geospatial conservation, and synergies across development, humanitarian, and conservation sectors.

COP16 Side Event Engagements

PCAs and Climate vulnerabilities, challenges and opportunities 
25 October |18:30- 19:30 | Nature Positive Pavilion / Small Room

ESRI-AWF: Harnessing Spatial Data for Africa’s Conservation and Development Goals 
28 October | 15:00 – 16:30 | Esri

Olivia Portrait

Olivia Mufute
‪Country Director, Zimbabwe

Olivia has over 25 years of experience in wildlife conservation and natural resources management in Zimbabwe, with extensive experience in ecology, policy development, and implementation of multi-lateral environmental agreements, including CITES. Currently, Olivia oversees the implementation of projects that address anti-poaching, community development, governance, conservancy development, and transboundary collaboration. Other programs focus on large landscapes in partnership with Zimbabwe’s government, NGOs, and development partners including private-sector partners. Prior to joining AWF, Olivia was the chief ecologist and head of multi-lateral environmental agreements at the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. She graduated with MSc in ecology and natural resources management from the Kharkov State University in Ukraine and MSc in biodiversity conservation in the international framework from the International University of Andalusia, Spain. She also has post-graduate professional qualifications from institutions in Italy, Israel, China, and Zimbabwe.

Areas of Expertise

Agriculture and food systems, conservation planning, community engagement, species management, biodiversity strategies, gender equity, human-wildlife conflict, natural resources management, ecology, and policy development.

Olivia is available for media interviews and speaks fluent English and Shona.

Simangele Portrait

Simangele Msweli
Senior Manager, Youth Leadership Program

Simangele has been actively involved in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) process since 2012, including contributing to the development of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and advocating for the inclusion of African youth voices and perspectives. She has also engaged with other biodiversity governance platforms, such as the Africa Ministerial Conference on the Environment and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

At AWF, she led the development of the Youth Engagement Strategy and now oversees its implementation. This includes implementing bespoke leadership programs for young professionals, championing conservation education for school-going children, and supporting youth networks in advocacy and implementation efforts. She is a recipient of multiple awards and honors, which recognize her outstanding and progressive impact in conservation and sustainable development. She holds an MS in Biology from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where she specialized in pollination and published papers on plant-pollinator interactions.

Areas of Expertise

Global Biodiversity Framework, youth advocacy, conservation education, multilateral environmental agreements, and intergenerational equity.

COP16 Side Event Engagements

Scaling up Young Engagement in implementing Target 3 of the GBF: Lessons, challenges, and opportunities
23 October | 10:10 - 11:40 | Cocuy

SADC Youth and Partners: Championing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
25 October |  16:30 to 18:00 | Paramos - NGOs Meeting Room Plaza One

Young African Policy Fellows Attending COP16

The Charles R. Wall Young African Policy Fellows Program gives young African professionals training and hands-on experience in international biodiversity governance. Their participation at the world’s largest biodiversity convention amplifies African youth voices in global policy and allows an opportunity for the fellows to hone their skills in policy and negotiation. Additionally, they will be sharing the key actions they are undertaking in their respective countries at the different events AWF is leading at COP16. See the events list here.

Find the Policy Fellows at COP16:

Elizabeth Kamara

Elizabeth Kamara


Ignatious Maeresa

Ignatious Maeresa


Maissa Louhichi

Maissa Louhichi


Misrar Wafae

Misrar Wafae


Sana Balde

Sana Balde