Miraculous Rhino Calf Brings Renewed Hope

Thandi and rhino calf Thembi

Some of you may remember Thandi, the courageous rhino who survived a poaching attack back in 2012. That poacher’s machete claimed her horn but not her life.

Thandi and rhino calf Thembi in Kariega Game Reserve

This time around, the white rhino cow is in headlines with good news: the birth of a new baby calf named Thembi—meaning “hope” in isiXhosa.

Baby Thembi and Thandi the rhino

Thandi gave birth on Jan. 13 to the female calf who was named at a special ceremony on March 2. “Given the critically endangered status of rhinos, the birth of a new calf is a momentous occasion, and it strengthens AWF’s commitment to conserve this iconic species," says AWF VP Craig Sholley.

Thandi the rhino and Thembi share a tender moment in Kariega

AWF was able to obtain these tender photographs of mother and daughter roaming through Kariega Reserve, looking happy and healthy.

Join us in celebration of this miraculous new calf, and watch our video starring Thandi and NBA legend Yao Ming to learn more about her story.


Photos 1,3,4 courtesy of Angie Goody TESA/Kariega Game Reserve & Photo 2 courtesy of Frances Van Pletzen/Kariega Game Reserve.