A Golden Conservation Opportunity: The CMTP

Yohannes Teshome Seifu at Manyara Ranch with livestock herders

It’s my pleasure to tell you a bit about myself. My name is Yohannes Teshome Seifu, and I come from an Ethiopian family. I have a Master’s degree in Natural Resources Management with a focus on Forest and Nature Conservation from Jimma University in Ethiopia.  

Previously I was working with Farm Africa and SOS–Sahel Ethiopia, Bale Eco- Region Sustainable Management Programme (BERSMP). I joined African Wildlife Foundation’s Conservation Management Training Program (CMTP) from the Frankfurt Zoological Society Bale Mountains Conservation Project (FZS-BMCP).

I was always thinking how to get additional training opportunity and improve my practical life- time experience. As a chance, I heard and read about the new and exciting CMTP posting through the FZS office. The general structure of the CMTP drew me to apply and join the program. And then I applied to the online posting and got an interview. I believe that, I got the CMTP not only based on my qualifications but a good willingness of AWF.

View Point of Ewaso Ngiro River (The Corner) in Samburu Landscape

I am extremely interested in community-based conservation and training programs. I am also creative and entrepreneur-minded. In the future, I am hoping to achieve my practical life-time know-how and to be one of the key actors for African conservation and sustainable development efforts.

For me, AWF's CMTP is a golden opportunity to improve my practical life-time experience that enables me to feel confident and stand on any forum and set/apply the conservation strategy over the strong interaction between people, wildlife and wild lands of Africa.