Nature's Best Photography Awards

African Wildlife Foundation VP, Craig Sholley, presenting the "African Wildlife" photography award to  Ben Cranke. Photo by: Mayu Mishina

On Friday, June 7, AWF had the pleasure of attending the Nature’s Best Windland Smith Rice International Awards Reception at Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. The reception was held to honor the 2012 winners of the renowned photography competition, and we presented an award for our sponsored category, which is the “African Wildlife” category—naturally.

The category winner, Ben Cranke (pictured above with Craig Sholley), won for his stunning elephant photograph (pictured above), and our VP Craig Sholley presented him with his award. It was a real treat for us to participate in the competition—as it is every year—not only because we get the chance to recognize photographers who are brining attention to Africa’s treasured species, but because we are also honoring Sandra Windland Smith Rice for whom the awards are named. Windland Smith Rice was an accomplished photographer and lover of wildlife, prior to her passing in 2005.

Please visit our Facebook album to see photographs from all 12 honorees.