More Money for Lomako Yokokala Faunal Reserve in DRC

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On Wednesday, November 22nd, 2006, the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) and the French Development Agency signed an agreement designating 781,000 Euros (approximately 1,025,000 USD) for the recently created Lomako Yokokala Faunal Reserve, situated in the equatorial region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Financing is provided by the French Fund for Global Environment (FFEM).

Present at the signing were Mr. Bernard Provost, French Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mr. Kalambay Wa Kabongo, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Conservation of Nature, Waters and Forests and Mr. Jef Dupain, Congo Heartland Director for the African Wildlife Foundation.

This agreement -- and the designated funds -- will directly support the local programs of the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN). Specifically, this initiative, along with other efforts by the ICCN, will assist the populations located near and within the reserve to develop alternative economic activities to curb the hunting of bushmeat. AWF will lead this initiative, under the control of a committee presided by the ICCN.

Over the course of three years, AWF and other stakeholders plan to focus on the following in the Lomako Yokokala Faunal Reserve:

Wildlife and habitat conservation. Conservation in the Lomako Yokokala Faunal Reserve will include direct support for ICCN's operational capacities in the reserve; creation of surveillance teams in the surrounding villages; and development of ecotourism within the reserve, particularly scientific tourism for the endemic species of primate such as the bonobo (or pygmy chimpanzee).

Fauna management. The development of sustainable management of the fauna in the periphery of the reserve; the localization and analysis of existing systems and management plans, the mapping of the distribution of animals to allow the production of a new management plan, the implementation of this new plan to be carried out by local populations working in concert with AWF and ICCN.

Economic development. The development of economic activities that offer a nutritional and economically viable alternative to the bushmeat trade; the reactivation of agricultural practices abandoned since the war, the organization of professionals, and the re-establishment of economic exchange within the region.



A Kinshasa, le mercredi 22 novembre 2006, l'ONG African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) et l'Agence Franiaise de Dveloppement ont sign, en prsence de Monsieur Bernard PREVOST, Ambassadeur de France en Rpublique Dmocratique du Congo, de Monsieur Kalambay Wa Kabongo, Secrtaire Gnral du Ministere de l'Environnement, de la Conservation de la Nature, des Eaux et Forots et de Mr. Jef Dupain, Directeur du Programme AWF en RDC, une convention de financement de 781.000 euros destine a la rserve de Lomako rcemment cre et situe dans la rgion de l'Equateur.

Ce projet vise a appuyer l'antenne locale de l'Institut congolais pour la conservation de la nature (ICCN) et a aider les populations situes a la priphrie de la rserve a dvelopper des activits conomiques alternatives a la chasse de brousse.

Le financement est mis a disposition par le Fonds franiais pour l'environnement mondial (gr par l'AFD) et sera mis en oeuvre par AWF sous le contryle d'un Comit de pilotage prsid par l'ICCN.

Le projet aura une dure de trois ans et couvrira les actions suivantes:

L'appui a la conservation de la rserve de Lomako: cela passe par le renforcement des capacits oprationnelles de l'ICCN sur place, mais galement par la formation de brigades de surveillance villageoises et le dveloppement de l'cotourisme sur la rserve, en particulier le tourisme scientifique li a l'tude des primates dont plusieurs especes sont endmiques de la zone, dont le bonobo.

La mise en place de modes de gestion durable de la faune en priphrie de la rserve: outre la description, la localisation et l'analyse des pratiques de chasse et des filieres existantes, le projet ralisera les inventaires et la cartographie de la rpartition de la faune pour permettre la production concerte d'un plan de gestion de cette ressource, place a terme sous la responsabilit de la population.

Le dveloppement d'activits conomiques qui offriront une alternative a la viande de brousse en terme de protines mais galement en tant que complment conomique: ractivation des filieres agricoles dlaisses depuis la guerre, organisation des professionnels, rtablissement des voies d'change, micro-crdits.