Manyara Ranch Equipped to Conserve Wildlife, Improve Livelihoods

General Inquiries

Tel:+254 711 063 000

Ngong Road, Karen, P.O. Box 310
00502 Nairobi, Kenya

The Livestock for Livelihoods project at Manyara Ranch recently received TZS 86.7 million worth of equipment from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as part of a two-year $1.1 million grant to improve income generation, provide training for community-based natural resource management, add value for livestock, and develop infrastructure.

The Livestock for Livelihoods Project and related programs -- supported by USAID in partnership with the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) -- aim to help eradicate poverty among the Maasai and other pastoralist communities while simultaneously protecting landscapes, livestock and wildlife.

Click here to read the full story.

Click here to read about AWF's work at Manyara Ranch.