Field Journal

International Education Day: Uganda Setting the Pace for Conservation Education

In the heart of Uganda, the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) stands tall as a powerful beacon of hope for conserving wildlife and developing communities. As the world celebrates International Education Day, with a strong emphasis on prioritizing education as an investment in people, AWF's relentless commitment to education serves as an example of how investing in knowledge can bring about transformation, not only in individual lives but also in safeguarding the biodiversity that defines Uganda. 

AWF's steadfast belief rests in the transformative power of education for both individuals and communities. The vibrant Kidepo landscape, characterized by diverse ecosystems and flourishing cultures, serves as an optimal setting for AWF to channel its investments towards people. Through a focus on education, AWF ambitiously seeks to initiate a ripple effect, elevating individual lives and fostering contributions to the broader conservation and development of the region. 

Education as the Bedrock of Conservation 

With a bold vision to create a sustainable future where humans and wildlife coexist seamlessly, the organization has taken remarkable strides to integrate education into its conservation efforts thus elevating leadership A notable achievement is the construction of two schools in the Kidepo region, Kidepo Primary School and Sarachom, which provide local communities with access to quality education. 

In 2017, AWF intervened and built a library, staff room, and staff quarters at the two schools, making it easier for teachers to travel to and from school. We also built additional classroom blocks, allowing the schools to offer classes up to primary seven. Both schools are now fully registered with the Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) center Number. 

According to Simon Omer, a d teacher at Sarachom Primary School, the school has made tremendous strides due to the unwavering support of AWF. Under their guidance, the school has witnessed a remarkable increase in pupil enrolment and retention, doubling in recent years. , In 2023, the school boasted 964 pupils, and all the 25 Grade seven students were able to sit and pass their primary leaving examinations, marking a significant milestone in their education as compared to previous years The school's well-equipped facilities, coupled with their proximity to the pupils' homes, have played a crucial role in reducing dropout rates to a bare minimum, making Sarachom a beacon of hope for the community. Our approach enriches the learning experience and instils environmental stewardship to inspire future conservation efforts. 

Kidepo School

 Conservation Education Centres in Mburo and Murchison 

To install a sense of environmental stewardship from an early age, AWF has established Conservation Education Centres in Mburo and Murchison. These centers serve as dynamic hubs where students and community members can engage in hands-on learning experiences about the importance of preserving Uganda's rich biodiversity. Through interactive exhibits, workshops, and outreach programs, AWF fosters a new generation of conservation champions. 

"The Conservation Education Centre built by the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) in 1982 is flourishing. The center receives many requests from institutions nationwide seeking to utilize its facilities. However, we must turn the requests down due to the high demand. The center now serves as a vital hub for around 2000 students annually from the 1000 students we anticipated in the early 2000s". Narrates Agaba Hillary, warden ecological monitoring at Uganda Wildlife Authority in Lake Mburo landscape. 

Empowering Communities Through Education 

AWF understands that true conservation is only possible with local communities' active involvement and empowerment. By prioritizing education, the organization ensures that communities have the knowledge and skills to manage their natural resources sustainably. This approach benefits wildlife and promotes economic growth and social well-being. 

In Uganda and the countries we work in, AWF's dedication to investing in people through education is making a tangible difference. Through collaborative efforts and a shared commitment to education, we can ensure that the benefits reach far beyond the classroom, creating a legacy of empowerment and conservation for future generations. 

In the intricate tapestry of conservation, education stands out as a vibrant thread that weaves together the aspirations of communities and the well-being of our planet. AWF's unwavering commitment to education in Uganda exemplifies the transformative power of knowledge, illustrating how investing in people ultimately becomes an investment in preserving our precious natural heritage.  

As we commemorate International Education Day, let us collectively pledge to prioritize education and, in doing so, pave the way for a sustainable and harmonious coexistence between humans and the diverse ecosystems that define our world. 


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