AWF's Nairobi-Based President to Visit Washington

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WASHINGTON--Dr. Helen Gichohi, president of the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), will visit Washington, D.C., from May 11 to May 16.

As president, Dr. Gichohi directs AWF's African Heartlands Program, which comprises eight massive landscapes throughout central, eastern, and southern Africa. African Heartlands combine national parks, local villages, and government- and privately-owned lands into large, cohesive conservation landscapes that often span international borders.

In addition to attending AWF's semiannual board meeting, Dr. Gichohi will be the featured speaker at an International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) Congressional Staff Luncheon on May 16. At the ICCF Luncheon, Dr. Gichohi will give a synopsis of AWF's African Heartland Program, especially its success in linking protected areas, livelihoods, and economic growth.

For more information about Dr. Gichohi's visit, contact John Butler, African Wildlife Foundation, at