Celebrate Our Partners

AWF could not advance our critical conservation programs across Africa without the support of partners, including the corporate donors recognized here. We are grateful for their partnership in 2023.

Arvid Nordquist Hab Logo

Arvid Nordquist

Our elephant conservation efforts in Tanzania have long been supported by Arvid Nordquist. Their support helps us protect elephant corridors and dispersal areas in Tanzania, empower law enforcement and village game scouts to rapidly respond to incidents, and work with communities to mitigate human-elephant conflict by protecting their livelihood and addressing issues of water scarcity.

Blue Pacific Flavors logo

Blue Pacific Flavors

Blue Pacific Flavors helps us protect the Tsavo-Mkomazi landscape, which straddles Kenya and Tanzania. Persistent droughts have led to low crop productivity and threats to wildlife in this transboundary region. We are engaging communities to mitigate human-wildlife conflict incidences; supporting the local government with land-use planning to demarcate land for both community growth and habitat preservation; and deploying canine units to enforce wildlife security in and around rhino conservation areas.

Elephant Gin

Elephant Gin

With the support of Elephant Gin and other partners, we engage and empower communities around the Dja Faunal Reserve in Cameroon to conserve forest habitats and protect the forest elephant population and other key species through anti-poaching and field-based ecological monitoring.

The Explorations Company

The Explorations Company

Our partnership with the Explorations Company creates unique opportunities for safari-goers to connect with our work on the ground, helping to build philanthropy networks so essential to our conservation goals.

Gamomat Logo


GAMOMAT supports our efforts to protect lion habitat in Tsavo, Kenya, the home of approximately 430 lions. We secure habitat through a range of interventions, including engaging communities in conservation and investing in patrols to address illegal activities.

My Virtuous Quest

My Virtuous Quest

My Virtuous Quest’s support contributes to a range of critical programs including our efforts to build African conservation leadership and protect at-risk wildlife and their habitats. With the support of partners like My Virtuous Quest, we are investing in community conservancies, management and policy training, and engaging and advising government leaders to ensure development plans are informed by conservation objectives. 

Nature's Path

Nature's Path Foods

Nature’s Path Organic Foods supports our rhinoceros conservation work and Classroom Africa program. Three species of rhinos are now critically endangered, and very few live outside national parks due to poaching and the loss of habitat. Educating children in rural Africa about the benefits of the incredible biodiversity around them instills values to protect wildlife. With proceeds from the Nature’s Path Organic’s EnviroKidz Rhino Rolls™ partnership, we are investing in a conservation curriculum with the goals to protect rhinos and other vulnerable species and their habitats. 



Q36.5 contributes to our holistic approach to conserving endangered species. Our strategies include monitoring key populations, identifying threats and developing strategies to counter them, supporting rangers and scouts on-the-ground, and working with wildlife authorities and law enforcement to deter, detect, investigate, and prosecute wildlife crime.

Sir Edmond Gin

Sir Edmond Gin

With the support of partners like Sir Edmond Gin, we work with communities and local governments on essential conservation strategies, including developing and implementing land-use plans. Efforts like these are critical to ensuring sustainable utilization of natural resources, protecting and restoring fragile ecosystems, and avoiding human-wildlife conflicts.

Topdrawer Logo


With the support of partners like Topdrawer, we work to mitigate human-wildlife conflict both inside and outside of protected areas, providing training and support to community scouts to track wildlife and help communities avoid dangerous confrontations. Topdrawer's commitment to environmental stewardship is helping us build economies where wildlife and their habitats are part of sustainable green growth.

TUI Care Foundation

TUI Care Foundation

We partner with TUI Care Foundation on efforts in Tsavo, Kenya, to increase habitat and biodiversity protection while strengthening farm systems and livelihoods in partnership with Taita Taveta Wildlife Conservancies Association. Through the foundation’s investment in climate-smart agriculture, water security, and livelihoods, we are working to reduce human-wildlife conflict, safeguard important habitats and watersheds, and reduce economic dependency on products from wildlife.