United States Pledges $10 Million to Combat Wildlife Trafficking in Africa

United States government pledges $10 million to end wildlife trafficking in Africa.

During U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Tanzania, and subsequent press conference, on Monday, he dropped the big announcement that the United States government would be putting efforts, and $10 million, toward combating wildlife trafficking and poaching.

These horrific crimes have been on the upswing, growing to finance criminal activity and funding a multi-billion dollar black market industry, without regard for the extinction of our world’s most previous species.

With so many updates about poaching numbers growing, it’s heartening to see a tangible effort being made by a non-African government to support African countries. The White House acknowledged that “wildlife trafficking is a multi-billion dollar illicit business that is decimating Africa’s iconic animal populations,” and focused on elephants and rhinos as the key victims of this horrific trade.

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