Sudden Passing of Papa Bosco

The last time I wrote was to highlight the exciting news of the AWF-led delegation that came to visit the Lomako Forest and tour the Lomako Conservation Science Centre.

Today, I am writing with much sadder news that I know all who came to visit will also grieve over – our experienced tracker and chief of all trackers Papa Bosco Ikwa Nyamalolo died suddenly but peacefully in his native village of Bokoli on Thursday 30 April.

Papa Bosco (right) with his deputy papa Mange during the recent AWF-led expedition to the reserve.

Papa Bosco Ikwa is a member of one of two prominent area families who have remained devoted to the conservation of the bonobos even during times of great upheaval. Besides knowing everything about bonobos and the forest, Papa Bosco was a funny and friendly man. He liked to call me “chief,” and each time he did I would interrupt him to say “it is you who is chief and father.”

He had 10 children, and two of his sons are now eco-guards for the Lomako-Yokokala Faunal Reserve. Another of his sons, Bomposo Dupont seems to have the same love of the forest and, under the training of Papa Bosco’s deputy, Papa Mange, is expected to one day take over in managing the trackers.

Two of papa Basco's sons serve on the eco-guard force AWF helped establish.

The day I presented Papa Bosco with the formal decree for the Lomako-Yokokala Faunal Reserve he helped create, he said, “Chief, this forest was for our family, and today, it became public property; we’ve made a great advance for us and for the whole world.”

His last project at the Lomako Conservation Science Center was to work with the AWF-led expedition. This team is truly fortunate to have met him and benefited from all his forest knowledge and especially his knowledge of bonobos and their diet.

On hearing of Papa Bosco’s death, the technical head administrator of ICCN Bénoît said to me, “Valentin, the death of Papa is like a whole library on bonobos has burned.”

As we say here, “Papa Bosco, we hope that the earth of our forebears will be soft and light for you.”