A Song Against Poaching

Celia Ho the Elephant Girl in October Asian Geographic to speak about elephant poaching

This month, Asian Geographic published an 8-page cover story of my ‘Schools United for Elephants’ Campaign, spreading the anti-ivory trade idea in 24 places including, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Dubai, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, USA etc.  

"Last October, when I learned about the rampant ivory trade and the devastating effects on the elephant population, I became very angry and I wanted to do something about it, but being just a student I didn’t know what I could do. I finally wrote a letter to The South China Morning Post titled, ‘Ivory Market an Example of Inhumanity’. That marked a turning point in my life. In the letter, I pleaded with countries worldwide to put a stop to this damage trade.

But to me, such decorations aren’t beautiful at all. Using an animal part for decoration is sad and disgusting. It is nothing more than a symbol of the bloodshed that goes on in Asia and Africa."

I use different ways to raise awareness in the poaching issue. In June, I wrote a song from a poached elephant mother's perspective, she tells how poaching and the huge ivory demand had ruined a dream life she and her child originally deserved—and how deep their bond is. Hope this song deserves a few minutes of your time and a click to share.

No Buying! No Killing!