Lion Conservation Challenges: Building a Better Boma

Over the years we have learnt that ineffective husbandry - especially poor livestock security at night - contributes significantly to high levels of livestock predation. At night, livestock is kept in enclosures (bomas) usually made of thorn bush walls. Such bomas do not provide adequate security against invading predators.

We are now working with pastoralists’ communities to implement a program towards livestock security improvement by reinforcing bomas with sturdy materials such as chain-link fences. Under this program, pastoralists’ families contribute 50% of the costs towards the purchase of reinforcement materials for their boma while we support by providing the remaining half.

We are seeing an increased interest among pastoralists’ families participating in this program, and we are optimistic that more will be joining the program. The success of this program not only will reduce livestock losses experienced by pastoralists but will also promote the coexistence between human and large carnivores in this social-ecological landscape by reducing incidences of retaliatory killing of lions and other large predators.

[caption id="attachment_473" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="A typical boma made of thorn bush walls for livestock keeping. These bomas are not effective in preventing lion attacks on cattle."]A typical boma made of thorn bush walls for livestock keeping. These bomas are not effective in preventing lion attacks on cattle.[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="One of our reinforced "predator-proof" bomas."]One of our reinforced predator-proof bomas.[/caption]