If a rhino could speak he’d beg the world to stop poaching

African Wildlife Foundation is committed to a holistic, three-pronged approach to saving Africa’s most threatened species. That means we not only stop the killing by protecting species, like the rhinoceros, on the ground but also work to stop wildlife trafficking and stop the demand.

Awareness building is critical to ending the demand for rhino horn. That’s where our latest video ad — the "Talking Rhino” — comes in.

Since 2012 AWF has been working with partner WildAid on the "Say No" campaign to create global awareness for the wildlife trade crisis, focusing primarily on elephant ivory and rhino horn in an effort to stem demand for these deadly wildlife products.

Celebrities like actor Jackie Chan, Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson, and Tanzanian pop star Alikiba, starred in a series of public service videos and advertisements, reaching millions of people, awakening them to the horror behind the wildlife trade.

Most recently, we released a moving PSA starring a talking rhinoceros to drive home the horrors of rhino poaching from a rhino’s perspective. Popular celebrities, including Li Huan (judge of The Voice of China) and Phan Anh (popular Vietnamese actor, model, and MC), lent their voices to the rhino and helped spread this heartbreaking story across global markets. The video has already reached more than 4 million people in just one week, and we encourage you to continue to spread the message.

> See our other celebrity demand-reduction PSAs