AWF’s Newest Conservation Superstars

AWF Conservation Manangement Training Program

As the school year begins, six young conservationists are gearing up for a different type of education—one that is very hands on.

The African continent is large and diverse, and as AWF expands into further landscapes we will need access to a greater stock of qualified program leaders who are trained in our culture and methods. Our CMTP, or Conservation Management Training Program, was born out of this need. We created the CMTP to develop conservation-minded young people into future leaders of African conservation.

Starting in 2012—including the brand new 2014 class—we have now had 12 candidates in the program. All trainees are recent master’s graduates with a conservation-focus, but they all have diverse backgrounds and interest.

This year’s class includes: Cameroonians Muyang Achahm and Hendriatha Che; Kenyans Robina Abuya, Eric Reson, and Sylvia Wasige; and Nigerian Elizabeth Babalola. They join our four veteran trainees, Edwin, Sarah, George, and Theo, and they can expect a whirlwind adventure.

“CMTP is quite the opportunity,” said Edwin Tambara, one of our 2013 trainees. “Sometimes you’ll get thrown into the deep end because your talents will get recognized, and you’ll get tested.”

He advice is spot on. Between them, our existing trainees have already done a diversity of work across the continent, including:

AWF CMTP planting trees in Mau Forest

Leading reforestation projects in Kenya’s Mau Forest Complex, which is East Africa’s largest montane forest and a critical water catchment area for the country.

Uganda women in conservation

Coordinating a major women in conservation program, establishing women as leaders in conservation fields.

Giraffes in Parc W

Working on critical programs in AWF’s Parc W landscape—a key giraffe habitat.

Chyulu Hills fire

And, they’ve even fought fires in Kenya's Chyulu Hills National Park.

Stay tuned for more exciting news from our newest class.