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L’Alliance des OSC africaines pour la biodiversité (ACBA) Rapport de Dialogue - Novembre 24, 2020

African CSO Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) Dialogue Report — November 24, 2020

L'impact de la COVID-19 sur Les Opérations et Les Programmes Relatifs aux Aires Protégées en Afrique

Impacts of COVID-19 on Africa's Protected Areas Operations and Programmes

AWF and other global conservation organizations call for EU global leadership on biodiversity finance.

Books and Papers

Joint Statement to European Commission

September 8, 2020

Why BIODIVERSITY must be prioritised within the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) in the new EU Budget.

Ondiek, P. 2020. The efficacy of dog olfaction as a tool in transnational wildlife law enforcement in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania (MS dissertation, University of Nairobi, Law School).

Maputla, N., Lushimba, A., Kasa P.,  Facheux C., Muruthi, P. 2020. First record of a breeding forest elephant herd in the Lomako Yokokala Faunal Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo. African Journal of Ecology, 00:1–3.

Maputla, N. 2020. Review of Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa, by John W. Wilson, Richard B. Primack. Biological Conservation, 244.

Lindsey, P., Allan, J., Brehony, P., Dickman, A., Robson, A., Begg, C., Bhammar, H.,  Blanken, L., Breuer, T.,  Fitzgerald, K.,  Flyman, M.,  Gandiwa, P.,  Giva, N., Kaelo, D., Nampindo, S., Nyambe, N., Steiner, K., Parker, A., Roe, D., Thomson, P., Trimble, M., Caron, A.

Latremouille, C., Khan, S., Maputla, N., Deppen, J., d’Arcy, L., O’Connor, S. Global Environment & Development Agendas: An Integrated Strategy for Conservation (2020)_ Definition, Theory of Change, and Recommendations for Application.

Esmail, E, Wintle. B. C., Sas-Rolfes, M., Athanas, A., Beale, C. M., Bending, Z., Dai, R., Fabinyi, M., Gluszek, S., Haenlein, C., Harrington, L. A. Hinsley, A., Kariuki, K., Lam, J., Markus, M., Paudel, K.,  Shukhova, S., Sutherland. W. J., Verissimo, D., Wang, Y., Waugh, J., Wetton, J.

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AWF Discussion Papers, CEC-DP-2. 1997.

AWF Discussion Papers, CEC-DP-1. 1997.

AWF Discussion Papers, CC-DP-9.

AWF Discussion Papers, CC-DP-8.

AWF Discussion Papers, CC-DP-7.

AWF Discussion Papers, CC-DP-4.

AWF Discussion Papers, CC-DP-3

AWF CC Discussion Papers, CC-DP-2.