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Technical Partner Newsletters

2009 August - December

March 25, 2013
  • Combatting Climate Change for the Benefit of Wildlife, Wild Lands and the People of African Heartlands
  • Critical Wildlife Corridor Secured in the Sekute Chiefdom, Kazungula Heartland
  • African Wild Dog Applied Research and Conservation Project
  • Restruc
Technical Partner Newsletters

2009 May - August

March 25, 2013
  • Opening of Conservation Science Center in Lomako Yokokala Reserve, DRC
  • Kenyan Court Orders Sinohydro Corporation Ltd.
Technical Partner Newsletters

2008 January - April

March 25, 2013
  • Lions in the Maasai Steppe
  • AWF Brings West Kilimanjaro Ranch to the Conservation Landscape
  • A Lodge to Benefit Mountain Gorillas
  • Striking a Balance Between Conservation and Development
  • AWF Announces Its New Charlotte Fellows
Technical Partner Newsletters

2008 August - December

March 25, 2013
  • Using Technology to Research Leopards in Limpopo Heartland
  • Lease Program Established Around Amboseli National Park
  • Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge Opens for Business in Uganda
  • AWF Expanding Program to West Africa
  • Support to Southern Suda

A White Paper prepared by the African Wildlife Foundation, the International Gorilla Conservation Programme and EcoAdapt and funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 2010.

Books and Papers

Policy for the Management of Tourist Hunting.

March 25, 2013

Department of Wildlife, 1995.

Department of Wildlife, 1994.

Department of Wildlife, 1993.

Department of Wildlife, 1993.