Technical Partner Newsletters
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African Landscape 2016, Issue 2

- Protecting Uganda’s biodiversity
- The challenges of Bili Uele
- Conservancy best practices
45841, 45842
2016, Issue 1

- In Central Africa, Predictive Modelling for Additional Intelligence
- Investing in Zambezi Valley
- AWF Appoints New President
- Detection Dogs Increase Security
34077, 34078
2015, Issue 3

- Hope Ahead in Fight Against Wildlife Trafficking?
- 2 Approaches to Working with Pastoralists
- AWF Urges Tanzanians to Protect Their Wildlife
- Surveys in Asia Show Support for Ivory Ban
30043, 30211
2015, Issue 2

- AWF Kickstarts Efforts in Remote Bili-Uele Protected Area Complex
- Building Nature Tourism in Ethiopia
- Technology, Training Improve Anti-Poaching and Ecological Monitoring in Central Africa
- Continentwide Detection Dog Programme Launched
2015, Issue 1

- A Clear Need for Urgent Action
- In the Fight Against Bushmeat Trade
- Ecological Survey in Tanzania Sets Stage for Climate Change Validation
- Species Protection Across the Continent
2014, Issue 2

- New Tools for Protecting Land, Wildlife, and Livelihoods
- Collaboration is Critical
- Household-Level Fish Ponds Offer Livelihood Alternatives
- Graduating with Distinction in Zambia, With AWF Support
2014, Issue 1

- A Cohesive Strategy to Conserve the Congo Basin
- Life and Conservation, Interconnected
- In Ethiopia, Maximising Tourism to Minimise Threats
- A Record of Results with African Wildlife Capital
- Project to Improve Food Security, Conservation in Southern Tanzania
- REDD+ Project Kicks Off
- Momentum Gathering with AWF Conservation Schools
- In Tanzania, Formalising Community Natural Resource Management
- AWF Finds Ways for Humans, Giraffes to Coexist in Niger
- AWF to Expand Antipoaching Work into Northern Cameroon
11830, 12066
2013, Issue 3

- AWF Calls for Destruction of Ivory Stockpiles, Moratoria on Domestic Trade
- The Heart of the Story
- AWF, Community Work Together to Protect Elephant Habitat
- The Use of REDD+ in Achieving Conservation Goals
- New Lodge in Zambia to Benefit People, Wildlife
7846, 7847
2013, Issue 2

- In African and Asia, Campaigns to Combat Wildlife Trafficking
- What We Hear and What We Are Doing
- New Species Strategy
- AWF Expands Ape Conservation Across Central, West Africa
- Does Conservation Enterprise Work?
6388, 7844
2013, Issue 1

- In Pursuit of Sustainable Conservation
- A Long-Term Commitment
- Following Summit, AWF Takes Action on Rhinos
- New Tool to Evaluate Conservation Enterprises
- AWF Lays Foundation for Elephant, Giraffe Conservation in West Africa
- Zambia Wildlife Authority Launches New Uniform as Government Declares War Against Poachers
- In Kenya, Firing Up Communities About Wood-Fuel Security
- South African Biosphere Reserve Fertile Ground for Biodiversity, Land Claims
- Carnivore Census Provides New Answers to Old Problems
- Engaging in Critical Discussions at Rio+20
2026, 2027
2012, Issue 2

- An Africa Solution to Rhino Poaching
- The Challenges of Conservation in Africa
- In Burkina Faso, Easing Wildlife’s Water Woes
- KAZA Transfrontier Conservation Area Launches
- Long-Time AWF Presence Becomes VP for Programme Operations
- Seeing REDD to Achieve Food Security, Resilience in Tanzania
- How to Combat Rhino Poaching
- Considering Ethiopia’s Conservation Potential
- New Face in Maasai Steppe
- In Rural Tanzania, a Community Plugs into the Future
- New Community Reserve Gazetted in DRC
- AWF’s African Heartlands Programme
2156, 2157
2012, Issue 1

- New Easement Makes Room for Hope… and Wildlife
- Building Upon a Portfolio of Conservation Success
- Lupani Primary School Serves as Incentive in Zambia
- Participatory Micro-zoning Reduces Threats to Forest
- AWF Finds Ongoing Success in Bonobo Conservation
- WMA Moves Forward with Tourism Facility Plans
- AWF Continues Mozambique Engagement
- New Lodge Officially Launches in Botswana
- Integrated Fish Farm in Zambia Marks Milestone with Zambezi Restocking
- AWF Improves Infrastructure at Buffalo Springs
- Fighting Rural Poverty While Supporting Conservation: A WMA Case Study
- Use of Predator-Proof Bomas Mitigate Conflict in Tanzania
- Empowering Local Women Through Microfinancing
- Nailepeau Conservancy Created in Kilimanjaro Heartland
- New 'Impact Investing' to Boost Conservation Efforts
2152, 2158
2009 May - August

- Opening of Conservation Science Center in Lomako Yokokala Reserve, DRC
- Kenyan Court Orders Sinohydro Corporation Ltd. to Suspend Quarry Excavation in Amboseli
- Integrating Livestock and Wildlife Systems in Heartlands
- Why the Research on Grevy's Zebra
- Capacity Building Fellowship for Namibia Awarded
- AWF Hosts Delegation of Zambian Tourism Minister to Kenya
- Update from West Africa
- The African Wildlife Foundation's African Heartland Programme
2009 August - December

- Combatting Climate Change for the Benefit of Wildlife, Wild Lands and the People of African Heartlands
- Critical Wildlife Corridor Secured in the Sekute Chiefdom, Kazungula Heartland
- African Wild Dog Applied Research and Conservation Project
- Restructuring LUMO Lodge
- West African Charlotte Fellows for 2009
- U.S. Ambassador Visits AWF and Other Partners in Arusha
- The African Wildlife Foundation's African Heartland Programme
2008 January - April

- Lions in the Maasai Steppe
- AWF Brings West Kilimanjaro Ranch to the Conservation Landscape
- A Lodge to Benefit Mountain Gorillas
- Striking a Balance Between Conservation and Development
- AWF Announces Its New Charlotte Fellows
- AWF Partners with NEPAD in Conservation
- The African Wildlife Foundation's African Heartland Programme
2008 August - December

- Using Technology to Research Leopards in Limpopo Heartland
- Lease Program Established Around Amboseli National Park
- Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge Opens for Business in Uganda
- AWF Expanding Program to West Africa
- Support to Southern Sudan - Diploma and Charlotte Fellows
- AWF Experience in Implementing the WMA Policy in Tanzania
- The African Wildlife Foundation's African Heartland Programme
2007 May - August

- Improving Wildlife Management in Mozambique
- Management Framework for Shared Elephant Population Developed
- AWF and Partners Control an Anthrax Outbreak in Samburu Heartland
- An Interview with AWF's Newly Appointed President, Dr. Helen Gichohi
- Protecting the Lomako Forest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- The Congo Shipping Project – Innovation at Work on the Congo Area Rivers
- The African Wildlife Foundation's African Heartland Programme
2006 April - July

- Putting the Landscape Back Together in Maasai Steppe
- Celebrating 45 Years of AWF's Work in Africa
- Species Stories: The Endangered Mountain Gorilla
- AWF's 45th Anniversary Timeline
- Land and Habitat Conservation in Africa: Conservation Easement in Kitengela
- Capacity Building and Leadership Development: The Charlotte Conservation Fellowship Program
- Conservation Enterprise: Tourist Lodges Bring Benefits to Wildlife and Communities
- The African Wildlife Foundation's African Heartland Programme
2005 September - December

- The Kenya Land Conservation Trust Formed
- From the Desk of the Vice President for Programme: No Wildlife Conservation Without Land Conservation
- AWF Helps Cubo Community Acquire Land Rights and Develop Community Reserve
- Koija Starbeds Lodge: A Success Story of Using Enterprise for Land Conservation
- Land Conservation in the Chiefdoms of Zambia
- Land Purchase in Virunga to Support Mountain Gorilla Conservation
- Tanzanian Military Signs Land Agreement with AWF
- The African Wildlife Foundation's African Heartland Program
2005 January - April

- The African Wildlife Foundation's Heartland Programme
- From the Desk of the Vice President for Programme
- How are African Heartlands Selected?
- Landscape Conservation Planning
What Does AWF Do in Heartlands:
- Land and Habitat Conservation
- Species Conservation & Applied Research
- Conservation Enterprise
- Capacity Building & Leadership Development
- How Does AWF Measure Impact or Success in Heartlands?