Books and Papers

The African Widlife Foundation publishes scientific books, papers and technical handbooks. Whenever possible, AWF makes its publications available to the public.

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AWF Conservation in Practice Papers

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers. 2013

Williams, Muruthi, Sumba, Gregory-MichelmanDoes community-based conservation curtail threats?

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers. 2010

Dupain, J., Degrande, A., De Marcken, P., Elliott, J., & Nackoney, J. Landscape-Scale Conservation in the Congo Basin : Lessons Learned from the Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE)

AWF Conservation in Practice Papers. 2010

Sidle, J., Dupain, J., Beck, J., Nackoney, J., de Wasseige, C., Mendomo Biang, J-D, Leprohon,R., Malele, S. (201).The Forests of the Congo Basin - State of the Forest 2010

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